Personal relationship of Ernst Lintner with Nico Dostal:
- On November 30th 1985, on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Nico Dostal, a memorial concert took place in the City Hall of Korneuburg, at which Mrs. Lillie Claus-Dostal was present in personally and at which Ernst Lintner was already singing:
Song of Amar out of “Nofretete” 1985
- On 14 March 14th, 2015 an jubilee concert took place in the historic meeting hall of the town hall of the community of Korneuburg on the occasion of the 120th birthday of Nico and the 110th birthday of Mrs. Lillie, which was financed by the community of Korneuburg, Mrs. Wörndl and by us. At this concert, besides former participants of the competition who have made a career of their own in meantime, Ernst Lintner sang the song of Amar from “Nefertiti” again!
Song of Amar out of “Nofretete” 2015
More videos of the memorial concert on 14, March 2015
Prof. Ernst Lintner
Vienna, April 2021